UnPerfect - Experience God's Presence and Purpose in the midst of Difficult Circumstances

7 Ways I Compare Myself to Others: Choosing Contentment (2)

Season 2 Episode 48

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When I compare myself to others, I allow myself to be robbed of much more than joy. Comparison robs me of my God-given identity, my time, and my ability to live FULLY in my present reality. Welcome to part 2 of this series.

In Episode #47, I discussed the first 4 ways I compare myself to others:

  • My appearance – I’m learning to only compare myself to the me I was yesterday.
  • My ministry – Gift envy is a real thing. However, I’m responsible for investing what little or much God has chosen to give me.
  • My marriage – The grass is only greener where I tend and water it.
  • My personality and abilities – Some of these are within my control to change. But some are the ways God intends to reach a dying world through my uniqueness.

In today's episode, I discuss 3 more ways I compare myself to others. Which ones resonate with you?

  • My children 
  • My life circumstances 
  • My physical possessions

Some Scriptures used in this episode give more insight into the times I compare myself to others:

Finally, three ideas for combatting comparison are discussed. Listen in to hear how to implement them in your own life.

Want to explore breaking free from comparison and other hurdles that keep us from fully living the lives we've been dealt? Check out Embracing UnPerfect here.

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